Minggu, 29 April 2012

Bangga berbahasa Indonesia

Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi ujaran yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi oleh masyarakat pemakainya. Bahasa yang baik berkembang berdasarkan suatu sistem, yaitu seperangkat aturan yang dipatuhi oleh pemakainya. Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasanya warga Negara Indonesia. Karena itu wajib hukumnya bagi warga negara Indonesia untuk merawat dan melestarikannya. Tidak hanya dipakai dalam menyusun naskah pidato atau naskah undang-undang saja namun seharusnya bahasa Indonesia dipakai dalam segala hal oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.Kita sebagai warga negara indonesia yang baik, seharusnya bangga berbahasa indonesia.Ada 5 (lima) alasan kenapa kita harus berbangga menggunakan bahasa indonesia.
            Alasan pertama yaitu bahasa indonesia merupakan bahasa yang berasal dari bahasa melayu. Fakta sejarah mengatakan jika bahasa Indonesia berasal dari bahasa Melayu Riau yang mana menurut Jan Huygen Van linschoten dalam bukunya Itinerario disebutkan bahwa bahasa Melayu terkenal sebagai bahasa yang paling sopan dan paling pas di kawasan timur. Maka dari itu, meski bahasa Indonesia kini sudah berbeda dari bahasa melayu dulu, namun kita harus bangga karena bahasa kita dahulu adalah bahasa mulia dan hingga kini masih merupakan bahasa yang mulia serta selayaknya kita jaga dan tingkatkan kemuliaannya dengan merawat dan melestarikannya
            Alasan kedua yaitu Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang mudah.Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang berbeda dari bahasa lain di dunia. Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang mudah karena bahasa ini tidak memiliki tingkatan kata atau pun kalimat. Maksudnya walau pun kejadian tersebut terjadi kemarin, sekarang atau pun besok, kata yang dipergunakan tetap sama.
Kemarin : Ibu membeli jeruk kemarin sore
Sekarang: Ibu membeli jeruk saat ini.
Bandingkan dengan bahasa Inggris berikut dan lihat tulisan yang bercetak tebal,
Kemarin : Yesterday my mother bought some oranges.
Sekarang: My mother buy some oranges
Jadi kalian tidak perlu bersusah payah memikirkan kata kerja dan waktu dalam berbahasa Indonesia karena  kalian bisa dengan sangat mudah menggunakan kata kerja yang ada tanpoa mempedulikan hal tersebut.Kalau kalian sudah tau, kenapa kalian tidak menggunakan bahasa indonesia dengan baik dan benar dalam kegiatan keseharian anda.
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang unik merupakan alasan ketiga kenapa kita harus bangga berbahasa Indonesia.Meski bahasa Indonesia berasal dari bahasa Melayu namun bahasa Indonesia kini telah berbeda dari bahasa Melayu, baik dari susunan kata atau fungsi kata. Contohnya adalah pada kasus Manohara yang pernah hangatdi negri ini. Jika Anda simak dialog antara warga Negara Indonesia dengan warga Negara Malaysia di televisi, maka akan Anda temukan beberapa penggunaan kata yang berbeda seperti kata ‘boleh’, ‘bisa’ dan sebagainya. Dengan kata lain, bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang hanya ada satu-satunya di dunia. Satu-satunya bahasa yang menjadi identitas warga Negara Indonesia.
Alasan keempat kenapa kalian harus bangga berbahasa Indonesia adalah karena bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa yang sangat kaya.Alasan kenapa bahsa indonesia merupakan bahasa yang kaya yaitu karena pada awalnya bahasa Indonesia adalah bentukan dari bahasa pedagang dari seluruh penjuru dunia, maka bahasa Indonesia memiliki ribuan kata yang diserap dari bahasa beberapa bangsa di dunia. Proses tersebut menjadikan bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa yang kaya.
Bahasa Indonesia mulai dipelajari bangsa lain  merupakan alasan kelima yang menjadi alasan kenapa kita harus berbangga berbahasa indonesia.Kenyataanya, bahasa Indonesia ternyata tidak hanya dipelajari oleh bangsa Indonesia saja. Bahasa Indonesia sendiri kini tengah dipelajari oleh warga Negara di Australia.Alasan warga Negara Australia mempelajari bahasa Indonesia adalah karena mereka tertarik dengan budaya bangsa Indonesia dan ingin memperdalam pengetahuan akan Indoensia dengan mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu bahasa indonesia telah dijadikan bahasa yang wajib dipelajari di negara Vietnam.Sungguh membanggakan, bahasa kita ternyata dikagumi bangsa selain bangsa Indonesia. Dengan begini bukan mustahil jika bahasa Indonesia kelak mampu menjadi bahasa Internasional menggantikan bahasa Inggris.
Jika kalian sudah jelas dengan kelima alasan akan berbangga diri dalam berbahasa Indonesia, apakah kalian akan terus menggunakan bahasa asing dalam kehidupan kalian?.Coba kalian renungkan dan tanyakan kepada diri anda sendiri!. Sekarang tugas kita selanjutnya adalah mempertahankan, merawat serta melestarikan bahasa kita agar tidak hilang ditelan zaman.Gunakanlah bahasa Indonesia yanga baik dan benar dimanapun kalian berada.

salam manis dari saya :)

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Tips mengajar yang baik

enaknya "MENGAJAR"

Hm,,, Nama Lengkap gue Pebrina Pirmani, selaen sebagai mahasiswa UNJA (Universitas Jambi) semester enam , gue juga mengajar di dua lembaga kursus dan bimbel yang berada di kota JAmbi dimana saya tinggal. Dulu saya tidak terlalu tertarik menjadi seorang guru , tapi menjelang besar, karena keahlian bahasa inggris yang alhamdulilah saya miliki sekarang, ternyata saya dipanggil oleh lembaga istitusi dan menawarkan saya mengajar disana.

Pertama - tama, gue sangat nervous buat ngadapin murid dengan bentuk , karakter dan background yang berbeda - beda, tapi hal itu ternyata tidak sama sekali terjadi pada diri saya sekarang. saya malah sangat menikmati berada sekeliling siswa siswi saya terutama ketika mendengarkan mereka curhat tentang masalah pribadi mereka, seakan akan mereka percaya kepadaku lebih dari kedua orang tua mereka..
Tapi tetap ajah, kita kudu hati - hati kepada siswa - siswi kita,jangan biarkan mereka melakukan hal yang tidak diinginkan or berlebihan kepada kita, karena kata dosen gue "MAM UNA" or mam "Fortuna Sari" , guru berada satu level di atas siswanya.

Hmm okay, selesai dengan basa -nasinya, jadi lansung ajah neh ke inti pointnya , menurut beberapa pengalaman pribadi yang saya alami dari sejak SMA ampe sekarang semester 6 dalam mengajar mulai dari ngajar privat sampe di lembaga institusi swasta, mulai dari ngajar anak orang yang gak punya dengan bayaran yang kecil sampe orang berada dengan bayaran yang lumayan, saya akan mencoba membuat tips mengajar yang baik buat kalian semua,,, smoga ini dapat bermanfaat :
  • Sebelum mengajar lebih baik melakukan persiapan or penguasaan materi ajaran agar pertanyaan - pertanyaan yang tak terduga yang mungkin muncul saat kita mengajar dapat diatasi dengan baik dan benar serta memuaskan murid kita.Ini sangat penting banget buat menumbuhkan kepuasan antara kita dan murid kita...
  • Kalo kalian udah penuh dengan persiapan, langkah kedua yang kudu dilakukan adalah jangan lupa untuk melakukan pendekatan terhadap siswa kita, jangan terlalu membuat jarak antara kita dan murid, buatlah siswa merasa nyaman ketika kita mengajar maupun tidak mengajar. hal ini bisa kalian lakukan hanya dengan menanyakan kondisi siwa, kehiatan siswa di sekolah atau dengan menanyakan perkembangan sekolah atau mungkin masalah pribadi,, sehinbgga siswa merasa percaya terhadap kita dann menjadikan kita sebagai teman curhatnya
  • Ketika mengajar, cobalah untuk tidak monoton. Hal ini maksudnya adalah, kalian harus menyusun materi yang kalian ajarkan dengan sekreatif mungkin, bisa saja dengan menggunakan media seperti infokus, additional paper, or etc. dan jangan hanya kalian saja yang menjelaskan tentang pelajaran tersebut, tapi cobalah untuk melakukan interaksi antara anda sebagai gurunya dan siswa anda dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar , hal ini dimaksudkan agar siswa tidak merasa boring dengan bahan ajaran yang anda berikan atau yang anda terangkan
  • Kemudian, jangan hanya sekedar mengajar dan menjelaskan saja, ketika memberi latihan, buatlah aktivitas latihan tersebut dengan semenarik mungkin, misalnya dengan mengadakan game -game menarik terkait dengan materi ajaran yang dapat kalian create sand design sendiri or di ambil dari permainan - permainan yang sudah ada 
  • Setelah tujuan pembelajaran selesai disampaikan secara keseluruhan, jangan lupa untuk merangkum materi ajaran secara general, kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama dengab siswa, bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana siswa telah mengerti tentang materi pelajaran tersebut
  • Kalian bisa memberikan pekerjaan rumah terhadap siswa, agar mereka dapat belajar tentang materi yang di ajarkan
  • Jangan lupa untuk sekedar mengucapkan salam perpisahan sebelum keluar dari kelas,, hal ini merupakan salah satu pendekatan kita terhadap murid kita
  • selesai
    nah itulah cara - cara yang bisa pebri anjurin buat kalain semua jika kalian ingin mengajar,,, jika kalian mengalami kendala dalam mengajar, cobalah untuk menyelesaikan nya dengan kreatif,,, jika kalian punya pertanyaan tentang craa mengajar yang baik, lansung ajah,, comment di bawah artikel ini
    selamat mencoba,,, semoga sukses

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Pick up sticks

Pick Up Sticks
For  you who do not know what is that picture about, i am going to tell you..

well, this kind of game that could be played together with our friends or peers in order to have fun or just seeing how concentrate we are on getting something

For more information about this game, let's read the more information about that game ....

To Begin: The first player holds all Pick Up Sticks vertically in one hand making sure that one end of the sticks remains within the playing area. The player removes his/her hand and lets the sticks scatter.
Players agree in advance how many points are required to win the game. (I.E. 500 or 1000 points)
The player tries to pick up the sticks, one by one. The only stick that is allowed to move is the one the player is trying to pick up. If any other stick moves, that player’s turn is over, and play passes to the left.
The next player may continue to pick up the remaining sticks or choose to begin again by gathering up all sticks and, once again, letting them scatter in the playing area.
If a player is successful in picking up the black stick (called the master stick), that player is permitted to use it for removing other sticks. (For example, to separate two sticks that are lying close together, or to flick off one stick that is resting on another stick). NO other stick may be used in this way.
If a player successfully picks up all sticks, that player begins again, and continues to play until he / she loses his / her turn
As each player finishes a turn, add up the points. The first player to score the required points is declared the winner.
If a player sicks up, in oredr,  a red, blue and green stick, that player’s score for those sticks doubles in point-value.
1 black the point value 25
7 red the point value is 10
7 blue the point value is 5
8 Green the point value is 2
7 yellow the point value is 1


sweet regard from me ;) pebrinapirmani.blogspot.com

Kamis, 26 April 2012


Bananagrams is one of the puzzle game to increase our vocabulary on english.
Rules for Bananagrams
1.       Place all 144 tiles face down on center of table. These tiles are referred to as the “BUNCH”.For games of 2-4 people, each player takes 21 letters from the lunch, keeping them face down. For 5-6 players, 15 letters are taken.For 7 or more players, 11 letters are taken.
Any one player says “SPLIT” whereupon all players turn their own tiles face up and proceed to form their OWNcolection of connecting and intersecting words. The words may be horizontal or vertical, reading hleft to right or top to bottom. Each player may rearrange his/her own words as often desired. Players DO NOT take turns, but play idependently of each other and at the same time.
3.       When a player has none of his/her original letters left, that player says “PEEL” and takes a tile from the BUNCH. At this point ALL OF THE OTHER PLAYERS MUST ALSO TAKE A TILE FROM THE BUNCH and add it to their collection of letters
4.       At any time and as often as desiredduring play, any player may return a difficult – to – use letter back to the center of the BUNCH, face down, but MUST TAKE THREE LETTERS IN RETURN. The player must declare this action to the others by saying “DUMP”. This exchange does not affect the other players.
5.       Play continuous untill there are fewer tiles in the BUNCH than there are players. The first player with no remaining letters shouts “BANANAS!!!”nand is the winner of that hand. The other players may no inspect the winning the hand for misspelled or incorrect words. Propper nouns are not acceptable. Any available dictionary may be used. If all words are acceptable, that player is the WINNER OF THAT HAND. If any word in the “winning’”  hand is found to be unacceptable , that player becomes the “Rotten Banana” and is OUT OF THAT HAND, and must return all his/her letters face down to the center of the bunch and the game now resumes for the remaining players.

“Best Of.....”
A hand can take as little as 5 minutes, so players , if desired, could play for the “best of five” or the “best of ten”.

BANANA SMOOTHIE (For those who want to play a less hectic game)
All tiles are placed face down on the table. The letters are devided equally among players, remaining face down. Players then play thye regular BANANAGRAMS game but there is no “peeling” or “dumping”. The first player to use all of his / her letters shouts “BANANAS!!!” and is the winner of that hand.If the game ends in a stalemate, the player with the fewest letters is the winner

BANANA CAFE (Play in restaurants while waiting for service)
The BANANAGRAMS pouch is placed down on the table. Each player takes 21 tiles from the pouch.Players then proceed to play the regular game with ‘dumping’ but NO “Peeing’. The first player to use all his / her letters says “BANANAS!!!” and is the winner.

Place all letters down on the center of the table. Take 21 letters and proceed to play the game. Only peel when needed. Try to beat your own best time in using all 144 letters , or try making as few words use all 144 letters. This can be relaxing way of honing your Bananagrams skills.

Advance players could create their own special game by limiting the acceptable words to a specific category such as animals, food and drink,etc.

I wish you could enjoy the game well
sweet regard from me :) pebrinapirmani.blogspot.com

Selasa, 24 April 2012


Who do not know with this familiar game, the scrable game that usually played by non native english speaker to increase and enrich their english vocabulary.It is sometimes not only played by the children but even till the adolesence and parents in order to enrich their abilities on english vocabulary

 This is the scrabble . it is sold  around Rp.100.000 in Indonesia.

In the scrabble there is a board, the letters and 4 racks.

This game is also good for teacher as media on teaching.The teacher could use this scrabble to help students enriching their english vocabulary.it is like what I have done, and it is success that the students can get more english vocabularies, and having fun also.

at MEI English Course

They try to arrange the letters to a suitable word

at Soni Sugema College course

Let's talk about how to play this game......


Scrable is a word game for 2,3 or 4 players. The play consists of forming interlocking, words, cross-word fashion, on the SCRABBLE playing board using letter tiles with various score values. Each player completes for high score by using his letters in combinations and locations that take best advantage of letter values and premium squares on  the board. The combined total score for a game may range from about 500 points to 700 or more depending on the skill of the players

To begin

Turn all the letters face down at the side of the boardand shuffle. Draw for first play. The player drawing the letter nearest the beginning of the alphabet plays first. Put the exposed letters back and re-shuffle.Each player then draws seven new letters and places them on his rack.

The plaY
  1. The first player combines two or more of his letters to form a wordand places them on the board to read across or down with one letter on the center *square. Diagonal words are not permitted.
  2. A player completes his turn by counting and announcing his score for the tum. He then draws as many new letters as he has played , thus always keeping seven letters in his rack.
  3. Play passes to the left. The second player, and then each in turn, adds one or more letter to those already played so as to form new words.All letters played in any one turn must be placed in one row across or down the board. They must from one complete word and if, at the same time, they touch other letters in adjacent rows, they must form complete words, cross-word fashion, with all such letters. The player get full credit for all words formed or modified by his play.
  4. New words may be formed by: First, Adding one or more letters to a word or letters already on the board.Second, Placing a word at right angles to a wrd already on the board.The new word must use one of the letters of the word already on the board or must add a letter to it. (Turn 2,3 and 4 below),Third, Placing a complete word parallel  to aword already played so that adjoining letters also form complete words. (turn 5 below)
  5.  No letter may be moved after it has been played.
  6. The two blank tiles may be used as any letter desired. When playing a blank the player must state what letter it represents, after which it cannot be changed during that game.
  7. Any player may use hius turn to replace any or all of the letters in his rack. He does so by discarding     them face down, drawing the same number of new letters, then mixing the discarded letters with those remaining in the pool. He then awaits his next turn to play
  8. Any words found in a standard dictionary are permitted except proper names, etc, usually commencing with a capital letters , those designated as foreign words, abbrevations and word requiring apostrophe or hyphens. Consult s dictionary only to check spelling or usage. Any word may be challenge before the next player start this turn. If the word challenged is unacceptable, the player takes back his tiles and loses his turn.
  9. Play continues until all tiles have been drawn and one of the olayers has used all of the letters in rack until all possible plays have been made.
  10. Scorring :  Keep a tally of each player’s score , entering it after each turn . The score value of each letter is indicated by a number at the bottom of the tile. The score value of a blank is zero.
  11. The score of each turn is the sum of the score values of all the letters in each word formed or modified in the play plus the premium values resulting from placing letters on premium squares.
  12. Premium letter square: A-Light blue square doubles the score of the letter placed on it, a dark blue square trebles the letter square
  13. Premium word square : The square for entire word is doubled when one of its letter is placed on a light red square; It is trebled  when a letter is placed on a dark red square, Include permiums for double or tripple letter values, if any, before doubling or trebling the word score. If word is formed that covers two premium word square, the square is doubled and that redoubled (4 times letter count), or trebled and re-tebled (9 times letter count) as the case may be. Note that the center * square is a light red square and therefore doubles the score for the first word.
  14. The above letter and word premiums apply only in turn in which they are first played, In subsequent turns letters count at face value.
  15. When a blank tile fails on a light red or a dark red square the sum of the letters in the word is doubled or trebled even though the blank itself has no score value .
  16. When two or more words are formed in the same play, each is scored. The common letter is counted (with full premium value, if any) in the score for each word
  17. Any players who play all seven of this tilesin a single turn scores a premium of 50 points in addition to his regular score for the play.
  18. At the end of the game , each player’s score is reduced by the sum of his unplayed letters, and if one player has used all of his letters, his score increased by the sum of the unplayed letters of all.

    .Good Luck,, wish you will be success and fun forever

    Sweet regard from me
    Pebrina Pirmani :)

Minggu, 22 April 2012


Sapa yang gak kenal dengan buah yang satu ini,,, rata - rata masyarakat indonesia pasti kenal dengan yang namanya buah "DURIAN" ini, dan kebanyakan masyarakat indonesia menyukai durian yang biasa mereka makan dengan nasi ketan, lemang ataupun makan buah nya aja,,,

Ngomong ngomong neh yah guys, DURIAN denger dengernya neh berasal dari bahasa melayu yaitu kata "DURI" dan akhiran "AN" dan buah dirian sendiri berasal dari hutan malaysia, sumatra , kalimantan dan biasanya orang jambi menyebutnya dengan namamungkin n "DUREN". Saya paling senang banget dengan yang namanya "DUREN" ini, mungkin saya bisa menghabiskan 10 - 15 biji hanya dalam sekali duduk,, tapi udah itu mulai pusing deh,, karena sebenarnya kita gak boleh makan banyak banyak buah duren ini ntar kita bisa mabuk , itu seh yang ku dengar dari temen temen ku.

Nah temen temen ku,.... tau kah kalian bahwa sebenarnya durian juga mengandung fosfor dan zat besi yang 10 kali lebih banyak dari buah pisang (mas, ambon, dan beranga). Tapi karena kandungan mineralnya yang tinggi, terutama kalsium dan zat besi, durian dapat menjadi penyebab masalah pada pergerakan usus besar. Bagi yang memiliki riwayat darah tinggi, disarankan untuk tidak mengkonsumsi buah ini bersama dengan alkohol karena dapat menyebabkan stroke. Selain itu, disarankan untuk banyak minum air putih sebelum dan sesudah makan durian untuk menghindari dehidrasi.


Kalo di daerah jambi, durian yang terkenal enak dan manis adalah durian dari daerah KUMPE atau orang jambi biasanya menyebutnya "DUREN KUMPE" . Kisaran harga nya pun berpariasi , kalian cukup mengeluarkan uang 5.000an untuk ukuran small, 10.000an untuk ukuran menengah dan 15.000-20.000 an untuk ukuran besar, tapi neh temen - temen kalo kamu beli durian lansung ke kebun durennya, maka kalian akan diberi harga yang jauh lebih murah lagi .Kalian hanya cukup mengeluarkan uang 2.500san untuk ukuran kecil, 5.000 an untuk ukuran menengah dan 8000 an untuk ukuran yang besar, dan yang lebih menyenangkannya lagi adalah, sebanyak apapun kamu makan duren di kebun itu, kalian akan dikasih free alias gratis alias gak bayar. nah ,, saya paling senang kalo beli duren, lansung ke kebunnya, lebih puas selain itu terkadang suka yang gratisan hehehehehe ee..... palingan yang dibawa pulang cuman buat orang rumah.

Tapi tetap aja ada beberapa orang yang gak suka dengan buah yang satu ini, terutama karena baunya yang sangat menyengat ke  hidung . Kebalikan dari fakta di indonesia, perlu diketahui kebanyakan dari bule - bule yang kerap dibilang orang - orang "tourists", mereka kebanyakan gak suka dengan buah duren ini, kata mereka seh karena baunya yang sangat menyengat ke hidung dan bau busuk itu sangat membuat mereka mual bahkan kepengen muntah ..iiieeuuuhhh kamseupai hahahhahahhahah dan susah banget bagaat, i mereka untuk menghabiskan sebiji duren,, pertama - tama seh , saya gak percaya kalo bule - bule itu gak suka n benci banget dengan yang namanya duren,, dan pada suatu saat , saya kedatangan tamu dari Tennese, United State, yang merupakan teman dari teman saya, dan saya pun mulai beraksi dengan menyuruh mereka untuk memakan buah duren , dan kalian tau apa yang terjadi dengan mereka,, mereka mual ketika dibawa ke tempat penjualan duren dan ketika saya membuka duren itu buat mereka, mereka mulai menampakkan raut tidak enak alias mual pengen muntah,,, lihat ekspresi mereka berikut ini:

hahhahahahhaahaaa ada ada ajah mereka,, kok makan duren ajah ampe mau muntah gitu,, selaen itu karena saya orangnya usil, sya menganjurkan mereka buat minum bandrek,, ghmmmmm sapa suruh datang ke jambi n ketemu saayaa hahahhahahah tak papa... anyway tempat saya dan temen - temen saya minum bandrek ydengan bule bule itu berada di dekat tugu juang daerah sipin...

hmmm sekianlah cerita saya mengenai buah duren yang masuk dalam daftar buah favorite saya... semoga membantu dan menghibur para pembaca semuanya

salam manis saya
pebrina pirmani ;)

Simple introduction of our self in english

Simple Introduction in english

ini satu contoh a simple introduction yang kita lakukan dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris:

Hi.. guys or friend or anyone
mu full name is "Pebrina Pirmani"
but usually my friends and my family call me "Pebri"
I am twenty one years old
I am studying in UNJA (Jambi University)
I am taking english major and i am in the sixth semester now
My hobby is writing on my blog and travelling
I live at mentawai street no.19, Kota Baru ,JAMBI
My mom is a teacher and my father is an employee
i live with a great family at a simple house
Nice to meet you all guys"

Nah itulah basiv basic yang kudu kita masukin ketika kalian ditugaskan untuk memperkenalkan diri kalian menggun akan bahasa inggris, bisa lebih atau kurang dari itu,, tapi contoh di atas adalah contoh yang kerap digunakan oleh masyarakat sekitar terutama masyarakat indonesia, banyak poin dalam perkenalan sebenarnya tergantung oleh diri kalian sendiri

bagi kalian yang baru tau n belajar bahasa inggris" semoga contoh di atas membantu kalian ,,,amin......

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

English Standardisation


The main social determinants of linguistic variation can be said to be:
Race and ethnicity
Ideology and politics

Prestige and Stigmatisation

The sociolinguist Roger Bell (1976: 147-57) has suggested several criteria by which the prestige or stigma in which the code is held can be measured. These are:

  • Standardisation    :    Whether the variety has been approved by institutions, codified into a dictionary or grammar, or been used for prestigious texts (national newspaper, religious book, canonical literature).    
  • Vitality    :    Whether there is a living community of speakers who used the code or whether the language is dead or dying (like Manx, Cornish, Latin, Tocharian)
  • Historicity    :    Whether the speakers have a sense of the longevity of their code.   
  • Autonomy     :    Whether the speakers consider their code to be substantially different from the others (compare the relative status of the Standard English / German with Standard English / Scots).
  • Reduction    :    Whether the speakers consider being a sub-variety or a full code of its own right; whether it has a reduced set of social functions. For example, it might not have its own writing system (like Geordie or Scouse) or might have only a very reduced function (like a football chant accent).
  • Mixture     :    Whether speakers consider their language to be 'pure' ( as do the French) or a mixture of other languages (as are creoles).
  • ‘Unofficial’ norms    :     Whether the speakers have a sense of 'good' and bad varieties of the code, even if there is no 'official' codification in grammars and dictionaries.

Need Analysis


         In general terms, need analysis (also called need assessment) refers to the activities involved in gathering information that will serve as the basis information that will serve as the basis developing a curriculum that will meet the learning needs of a particular group of students.
        Need analysis (In the formal and technical sense) is relatively new in language teaching circles. There will be three steps in need analysis:
  1. Making basic decisions about the need analysis
  2. Gathering Information
  3. Using the Information

    Before any need analysis can take place, curriculum planners must make certain fundamental decisions.

Four categories of people may become involved in a need analysis; the target group, the audience, the need analysis and the resource group.
  1. The target group: is made up those people about whom information will ultimately be gathered.
  2. The audience: for a need analysis should encompass all people who will eventually be required to act upon the analysis.
  3. The need analysis: are those persons responsible for conducting the need analysis.
  4. The resource group: consist of any people who may serve as sources of information about the target group.


According to Stufflebeam, four divergent philosophies can arise in a need analysis: the discrepancy, the democratic, the analytic, and the diagnostic.
  1. Discrepancy philosophy is one in which needs are viewed as differences, or discrepancies, between a desired performance from students and what they are actually doing.
  2. Democratic philosophy is one in which a need is defined as any change that is desired by a majority of the group involved.
  3. Analytic philosophy a need is whatever the students will naturally learn next based on what is known about them and the learning processes involved.


    The philosophy adopted by a particular program or group of needs analysis can clearly affect the types of information gathered in the analysis. Unfortunately many of the needs that are initially perceived as important may not turn out to be so. The point of view taken on each of these dichotomies will in turn be related to and influenced by the philosophy that is dominant in a given program.

Situation Needs Versus Language Needs

    The first dichotomy is one that distinguishes between two types of information found in any language program. Need related to this type of information will be labeled situation needs in this book. The second sort of information is about the target linguistic behaviors that the learners must acquire. These target linguistic behaviors will be labeled language needs. This distinction between situation needs and language needs is not a clear-cut dichotomy because the two categories are often interrelated. When need analysis are confronted with the masses of information that can emerge in a need analysis, keeping the distinction between situation needs and language needs in mind will be particularly useful for sorting through the information and finding useful patterns.

Objective needs versus subjective needs

    Objectives needs are those needs determined on the basis of clear cut, observable data gathered that students must eventually acquire. Subjective needs are generally more difficult to determine because  they have to do “wants”, “desires”, and “expensive”. This distinction between objective needs and subjective needs should not be confused with the two types of data, quantitative and qualitative, that could be gathered on either objective or subjective needs.

Linguistic content vs learning processes

    The linguistic content position tends to favor needs analyzed objectively from a language needs perspective and spelled out in linguistic terms. The learning process position leans toward needs specified from a situation needs perspective. The distinction between content and learning processes is hardly a new one.


Learning Processes

A decision regarding one dichotomy in this figure can easily have an effect in the balance chosen for another dichotomy.

        For example, consider what would happen in an analysis if language needs were viewed as much more  important than situation needs. this viewpoint would probably affect the balance taken between objective and subjective needs ( with a resulting shift toward the objective ) as well as the balance between linguistic content and learning process needs ( with a shift toward the linguistic content ).

Although for simplicity's sake I have discussed the three dichotomies as if they are separate, they should be viewed as three interrelated aspects of developing an overall program viewpoint on the types of needs that will be assessed. This decision would in turn have to be consistent with whatever balance of philosophies was selected earlier.


Richards, Platt and Weber (1985, p.189) suggest that a needs assessment seeks information on:
  • The situations in which a language will be used (including who it will be used with)
  • The objectives and purposes for which the language is needed
  • The types of communication that will be used (e.g., written, spoken, formal, informal)
  • The level of proficiency that will be required

    In the process, the analysts should remain flexible enough to allow for new areas of investigation to develop and old ones to be discarded as the process of needs assessment proceeds. The choices made depend on the philosophy of the needs analysts, as well as their points of view on the various types of information that can be examined. Once all that is clarified, the fundamental techniques used for gathering information are relatively straightforward and such techniques are simple because they all involve, in one way or another, finding answers to relatively simple questions.


In the process of gathering information, different types of questions should be considered. Rosset (1982) identified five categories of questions designed to identify the following problems, priorities, abilities, attitudes and solutions.

The purpose of these questions is to identify the problems that are being experienced by the people under assessment in target group.

Questions of priority investigate which topics, language uses, skills, and so on are considered most important for target group to learn. Such questions can be asked of any of the resource groups in the program

Abilities questions focus on the student themselves, usually to determine the abilities of the students at entry

Attitude questions are created to uncover information about participants’ feelings and attitudes toward element of program

The last class of questions elicits ideas for solutions to perceived problems in terms of what changes might being about compromise and resolution.


    These types of instruments consists of:
  • Existing Information
The purpose of this set of procedures is to utilize any preexisting information that may be available and the existing information can include data sources within a program (such as files or records that may be on hand when the needs analysis begins), or external data courses (such as literary resources or letters exchanged with other existing programs with similar students).
  • Tests
Tests can provide a wealth of information about the general ability levels of students , about possible ability groupings that will make sense within a program, about the specific problems that students may be having with the language , and about their achievement in previous programs.
  • Observations
This category of instrumentation usually involves watching an individual or small number of individuals, and recording behavior that occur. It is used to get some particular informations.
  • Interviews
Interview procedures are fairly open-ended type of instrumentation. There are two kinds of interviews that are individual interviews and group interviews. Individual interviews allow for gathering personal responses and views privately while group interviews might appear to be one way around the time problem, but it is important to remember that the information given in a group interview is not confidential. Indeed, the contrasts in the opinions of people who have been interviewed both individually and in a group format can themselves prove illuminating.
  • Meetings
Meetings differ from group interviews in their purpose. Whereas group interviews may help the needs analyst to gather information from the group, meetings are more likely to be structured so that the participants can accomplish certain tasks.
  • Questionnaires
Questionnaires can be designed to accomplish any of the following purposes. Biodata surveys are used to elicit facts about the background of each of the participants (students’ age, place of birth, sex, marital status, number of years of language study, and the like).Self ratings procedure requires individuals to rate their own abilities, interest levels, motivation and useful for obtaining practical insights into the self-image of individuals. Participants might also be asked to do judge mental ratings in which they give their evaluation of various aspects of the program. Finally, the Q sort combines several of the procedures defined above because it asks individuals to give their own attitudes, views, and opinions, but also to rank them in terms of importance. Questionnaires of all kinds may turn out to be very useful in gathering large scale information on the needs of students.

Three characteristics must be considered when using any information – gathering procedures. Only then can the advantages and disadvantages of the different categories of procedures be explored.

Characteristic of Procedures
    The three characteristic of sound information-gathering procedure are reliability, validity, and usability ;
  1. Reliability will be defined here as the consistency with which procedure obtains information. Thus reliability must be considered when selecting or creating a procedure for analyzing needs.
  2. The validity of a procedure will be defined here as the degree to which is measuring what it claims to measure.
  3. The concept of usability must be considered. In most cases, this issues has to do with the degree to which a procedure is practical to use.
Clearly, reliability, validity, and usability are interrelated and should probably be considered to be equally important. In other words, a procedure must logically be reliable, valid, and usable within a given context before it can be effectively used in a need analysis.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Procedures

    All of the procedures discussed here are imperfect, at least to some degree. Fortunately they are imperfect in different ways, that is, each of these procedures has different strengths and different weaknesses. Thus if analysis use various combinations of procedures, they will create a stronger overall information-gathering process. In other words, multiple sources of information should be used in a need analysis-although the specific combination appropriate for a given situation must be decided on the site by the need analysis.


Discourse Analysis

Direct observations and data collection on the language used in particular settings and for specific purposes may prove useful in studying students’ language needs.

One way of using discourse analysis to study students’ needs is described in the elaborate model provided in Munby (1978,pp.190-98). He suggests the following nine parameters as the framework for a needs analysis.

Participants;  biographical facts and language background
Purposive domain: the specific purposes for which the language will be used
Setting: physical and psychosocial characteristics of the setting
Interaction: the social relationships involved
Instrumentality: medium, mode, and channel of communication
Dialect: regional, class, and temporal
Target level : language characteristics required and under what conditions
Communicative event: events and functions
Communicative key: attitude and tone

In general, Munby’s framework emphasizes the subjective side of needs analysis because it relies heavily on the analyst’s institution. Nevertheless, it offers a useful framework for observing and sorting through information about types of discourse that student will eventually  need to use.

Text Analysis

If the learners will encounter the target language primarily in print -  that is , for purposes of reading or writing – text analysis may help in determining what the students will ultimately have to read or write. Many different genres and types of texts may come under scrutiny (for example, scientific discourse, newspaper editorials, or social science journal articles) in this form of analysis. Again , the units of analysis chosen ( for instance, cohesive devices, rhetorical features, readability, or vocabulary) will tend to reflect  the need analysts’ understandings of the nature of different kinds of texts and the analysts’ belief systems with the regard to the nature of language and language learning.


Guangzhou English Language Center, Zhongshan University
  • Existing information
  • Tests
  • Observations
  • Meetings
  • Questionnaires

English Language Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Literature review
  • Initial survey
  • Case studies
  • Questionnaires
  • Meetings
  • Summarizing the results

vocabulary test for junior high school

  1. I am a afraid I  really couldn’t eat any more .I’m ………………….
  2. It’s a ………………….. of time talking to james. He never listen.
  3. You’II have to use the stairs. I am  a afraid the lift is out of ……………..
  4. I can’t eat this  meat. It’s too  …………………….
  5. W…………..W…………….will you M…………M……………Marry me ? He ……………………
  6. My wife will never admit that she is wrong, even when she knows she’s so ……………………..
  7. I see john’s……………………..again. I’ve just  heard him telling everyone he the best tennis player in the county.
  8. The young girls ……………………..lovingly at the photograph of her boy friend.
  9. A………………….Person is who always want more than his fair share of sometime especially food, money or power.
  10.   Children who live in the ……………….areas often have to travel miles to school every day.
  11. Intan was vary ………………..when her dog died.
  12. I’m not surprised he became an author. Even as a child he had a …………………..imagination.
  13. I’m sorry, David .I wasn’t my ………………….. to cause a quarrel between you and Joanna.
  14. A woman has never married is called the ……………………..
  15. Only Three people ………………….. the crash everyone else was killed.    
  16. Excuse me, Mr Black, but there’s a/an …………………message for you from your wife.
  17. The trouble with eating orange is that there are too many ………………..inside.
  18. It costs Rp.500.000 to …………………….to this magazine.
  19. The meeting will begin at 10.30………………….
  20. If a firm’s income is greater than it’s expenditure. It will make a ………………………   

21. I do hope you’ll excuse me if I……………..(go to bed) now, It’s just that I have to get up early in the morning.
22. The meeting was a very long one and didn’t ……………..(finish) until   11.30 P.m
23. Promise me, you will not ………………….(disappoint me)
24………………(wait) a moment, please
25..It’s easy to (stop)……………..smoking
26.  He had to work very hard to ……………………(a void to fall behind)  the others in the class.
27.  I’d like you to…………………….(examine) this complain we receive this morning.
28. I Want to……………………..(take care of) my hand bag write I go the toilet ?
29.I want to ……………………(test) my camera.
30.  Yes, I will ………………………(accept)


31. A garrulous is…………………….
32.A Stoical is ………………………
33.An Industrious is ………………….
34.A reliable is ………………………..
35. A reliable is ………………………


36.Afull is ……………………..
37.Very big is ……………………..
38.Dull is …………………………
39.Good looking is ……………………….
40.Peculiar is …………………………..
41. Rude is …………………………….
42 .There is sometime very (Peculiar) …………………about your behavior today.
43.  People will not like you are …………………(rude)
44. All the actors are ………………(good looking.)
45 All audience walked out in the middle of the program because it was (Terrible)
 46.You have (sufficient ) …………………..time

47.Wicked is ……………………
48.Furious is………………………..
49 Complicated is ………………………..
50. sober is …………………………..

Discourse Analysis

Colleagues formerly FRIENDLY
Daily treated to KOPI
Now gradually get CRAZY
Behind me say I am LAZY
With all college’s ACTIVITY
What a PITY.

But I have to wake up
to be spirit with those things
Do not give up
Cause it will be interesting

Form: aaaaaa, abab (discourse relates to linguistic)
Function: to be spirit in our life (discourse relates to sociolinguistic)

Poem "Heavy Rain"

By. Pebrina Pirmani

This rain is our rain
The rain that reminds our sweet moment in the past
This heavy rain reminds me again
About the coldness that we ever countered near the flower vase

This rain is our rain
The rain that opens the sweet story in our heart
Through the fog on the window again and again
About the dream we've ever had

The Story that begins intimately
The story that begins intimately
But the story ends without taking a fancy
Disappear like mist which is freely.

this rain is our rain
this rain was ever be our rain
but now, this rain is my rain only
where this heavy rain belongs to me only