Selasa, 24 April 2012


Who do not know with this familiar game, the scrable game that usually played by non native english speaker to increase and enrich their english vocabulary.It is sometimes not only played by the children but even till the adolesence and parents in order to enrich their abilities on english vocabulary

 This is the scrabble . it is sold  around Rp.100.000 in Indonesia.

In the scrabble there is a board, the letters and 4 racks.

This game is also good for teacher as media on teaching.The teacher could use this scrabble to help students enriching their english is like what I have done, and it is success that the students can get more english vocabularies, and having fun also.

at MEI English Course

They try to arrange the letters to a suitable word

at Soni Sugema College course

Let's talk about how to play this game......


Scrable is a word game for 2,3 or 4 players. The play consists of forming interlocking, words, cross-word fashion, on the SCRABBLE playing board using letter tiles with various score values. Each player completes for high score by using his letters in combinations and locations that take best advantage of letter values and premium squares on  the board. The combined total score for a game may range from about 500 points to 700 or more depending on the skill of the players

To begin

Turn all the letters face down at the side of the boardand shuffle. Draw for first play. The player drawing the letter nearest the beginning of the alphabet plays first. Put the exposed letters back and re-shuffle.Each player then draws seven new letters and places them on his rack.

The plaY
  1. The first player combines two or more of his letters to form a wordand places them on the board to read across or down with one letter on the center *square. Diagonal words are not permitted.
  2. A player completes his turn by counting and announcing his score for the tum. He then draws as many new letters as he has played , thus always keeping seven letters in his rack.
  3. Play passes to the left. The second player, and then each in turn, adds one or more letter to those already played so as to form new words.All letters played in any one turn must be placed in one row across or down the board. They must from one complete word and if, at the same time, they touch other letters in adjacent rows, they must form complete words, cross-word fashion, with all such letters. The player get full credit for all words formed or modified by his play.
  4. New words may be formed by: First, Adding one or more letters to a word or letters already on the board.Second, Placing a word at right angles to a wrd already on the board.The new word must use one of the letters of the word already on the board or must add a letter to it. (Turn 2,3 and 4 below),Third, Placing a complete word parallel  to aword already played so that adjoining letters also form complete words. (turn 5 below)
  5.  No letter may be moved after it has been played.
  6. The two blank tiles may be used as any letter desired. When playing a blank the player must state what letter it represents, after which it cannot be changed during that game.
  7. Any player may use hius turn to replace any or all of the letters in his rack. He does so by discarding     them face down, drawing the same number of new letters, then mixing the discarded letters with those remaining in the pool. He then awaits his next turn to play
  8. Any words found in a standard dictionary are permitted except proper names, etc, usually commencing with a capital letters , those designated as foreign words, abbrevations and word requiring apostrophe or hyphens. Consult s dictionary only to check spelling or usage. Any word may be challenge before the next player start this turn. If the word challenged is unacceptable, the player takes back his tiles and loses his turn.
  9. Play continues until all tiles have been drawn and one of the olayers has used all of the letters in rack until all possible plays have been made.
  10. Scorring :  Keep a tally of each player’s score , entering it after each turn . The score value of each letter is indicated by a number at the bottom of the tile. The score value of a blank is zero.
  11. The score of each turn is the sum of the score values of all the letters in each word formed or modified in the play plus the premium values resulting from placing letters on premium squares.
  12. Premium letter square: A-Light blue square doubles the score of the letter placed on it, a dark blue square trebles the letter square
  13. Premium word square : The square for entire word is doubled when one of its letter is placed on a light red square; It is trebled  when a letter is placed on a dark red square, Include permiums for double or tripple letter values, if any, before doubling or trebling the word score. If word is formed that covers two premium word square, the square is doubled and that redoubled (4 times letter count), or trebled and re-tebled (9 times letter count) as the case may be. Note that the center * square is a light red square and therefore doubles the score for the first word.
  14. The above letter and word premiums apply only in turn in which they are first played, In subsequent turns letters count at face value.
  15. When a blank tile fails on a light red or a dark red square the sum of the letters in the word is doubled or trebled even though the blank itself has no score value .
  16. When two or more words are formed in the same play, each is scored. The common letter is counted (with full premium value, if any) in the score for each word
  17. Any players who play all seven of this tilesin a single turn scores a premium of 50 points in addition to his regular score for the play.
  18. At the end of the game , each player’s score is reduced by the sum of his unplayed letters, and if one player has used all of his letters, his score increased by the sum of the unplayed letters of all.

    .Good Luck,, wish you will be success and fun forever

    Sweet regard from me
    Pebrina Pirmani :)

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